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Number Description Action Date Disposition
Ord. NS-2505 Adds Chs. 16.35 and 16.40; amends § 3.60.070 and Chs. 16.05 and 16.10; replaces the term “Bend Area General Plan” with “Bend Comprehensive Plan,” rights-of-way and city property and grading, excavating, and stormwater management 8/7/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2504 Amends Ch. 8.10, adoption of fire code 8/7/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2503 Amends § 1.1.300, Chs. 1.2 and 1.3, §§ 2.7.200(D), 2.7.400(G), 2.7.540(C), 2.7.610(D) and (E), 2.7.700(H), 2.7.930(B) and (C), 2.7.1009, 2.7.2030(G), 2.7.3360, 3.1.500(C), 3.2.100, 3.2.200, 3.2.300, 3.2.400, 3.5.100(C), 4.2.300(A), 4.2.400, 4.3.300(B) and 4.5.100(E) through (G); replaces the term “neighborhood associations” with “neighborhood districts” throughout code, tree preservation and street tree and planter strip landscaping 7/17/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2502 Right-of-way vacation 6/20/2024 Special
Ord. NS-2501 Annexation 6/20/2024 Special
Ord. NS-2500 Amends Table 2.1.200 and § 3.6.300, neighborhood commercial uses on qualified lands adjacent to the Bend central district (BDC) 6/20/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2499 Amends §§ 2.7.3930, 2.7.3950, 2.7.3980, 2.7.4130 and 2.7.4150, special planned districts, refinement plans, area plans and master plans (BDC) 6/20/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2498 Amends Ch. 1.70, neighborhood districts 6/5/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2497 Amends § 1.10.040, council member and mayor compensation 5/15/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2496 Amends Ch. 1.55, public contracts 5/15/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2495 Establishes economic improvement district 5/1/2024 Special
Ord. NS-2494 Adds Ch. 3.110, transportation fee 4/3/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2493 Right-of-way vacation 2/21/2024 Special
Ord. NS-2492 Amends comprehensive plan Ch. 11 and BDC § 4.9.300, comprehensive plan and development code (BDC) 2/21/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2491 Amends Ch. 12.10, system development charges 2/7/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2490 Repeals and replaces Ch. 3.20, regulation of utility use of city rights-of-way 2/7/2024 Codified
Ord. NS-2489 Annexation 1/3/2024 Special
Ord. NS-2488 Amends BDC Ch. 1.2, §§ 2.2.500(C) and (D), 2.2.600(C), 3.1.300(B), 3.1.400(K), 3.2.200(D), 3.2.300, 3.2.400, 3.3.300, 3.3.600, 3.6.300(D), 4.2.100, 4.2.300(A), 4.2.400, and comprehensive plan § 7-42, comprehensive plan and development code (BDC) 12/20/2023 Codified
Ord. NS-2487 Adds BDC §§ 2.1.1100(E), 2.7.3740(D), 2.7.3750(A)(10), 2.7.3760(A)(10), 2.7.4440(D), 3.6.200(O); amends BDC Ch. 1.2, § 2.1.100, Table 2.1.200, §§ 2.1.300(C), (D) and (E), 2.1.500, 2.1.600(A), 2.1.700(A), 2.1.900(B) and (C), 2.1.950, 2.1.1000, 2.7.400(B) and (J), 2.7.530(B), 2.7.550(B), 2.7.820(D), 2.7.970(B), Table 2.7.1004.A, §§ 2.7.3040(A), (C) and (D), 2.7.3050, 2.7.3055, 2.7.3070, 2.7.3770(C), 2.7.3940, 2.7.3950(A), (B), (D), (E) and (F), 2.7.4040, 2.7.4050(A), (D) and (F), 2.7.4140, 2.7.4150(A), (B), (D) and (F), 2.7.4240, 2.7.4250(A), (D) and (F), 2.7.4640(D) and (F), 3.1.400(F), 4.3.300(B), 4.3.400(E) and 4.3.700(A), (D)(2) and (F)(2), comprehensive plan Tables 5-1 and 11-1; repeals BDC § 3.1.400(J), comprehensive plan and development code (BDC) 11/15/2023 Codified
Ord. NS-2486 Adds Art. XXIX, Caraway Master Planned Development (BDC) 10/18/2023 Codified
Ord. NS-2485 Annexation; amends sign district map 10/18/2023 Codified
Ord. NS-2484 Grants telecommunications franchise 10/4/2023 Special
Ord. NS-2483 Amends § 9.10.015, additional local authority 9/20/2023 Codified
Ord. NS-2482 Amends comprehensive plan Ch. 11, Appendix J, and comprehensive plan map 9/20/2023 Codified
Ord. NS-2481 Amends § 15.90.030, rate types 6/21/2023 Codified