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Sewer Collection Facilities

8-1    All new development within the City Limits should be connected to City sewer.

8-2     The city is the primary provider of sewage collection and treatment services for the City’s service area under Statewide Planning Goal 11.

8-3    To reduce the reliance on individual sewage disposal systems within the Urban Growth Boundary the city will work with unsewered neighborhoods to find solutions for sewer service.

8-4    The city should collect a sufficient amount of revenue to allow the creation of capital project reserves and to replace aging infrastructure in addition to operational needs of the utility.

8-5    Staff should report to Council on an annual basis regarding the status of the Collection System Master Plan, Capital Improvement Projects and capacity issues within the collection system.

8-6    The City will annually update its financial model as part of the review of sewer rates and report to Council on any changes in the 20-year financial outlook and subsequent rate impacts.

8-7    The master plan shall be updated at least every 5 years with official review and adoption by Council.

8-8    The preference of the City is to serve development through gravity conveyance and use of the Water Reclamation Facility.

8-9    If lift stations are required to serve new development, regional pump stations shall be relied upon to the extent practicable versus individual or smaller lift stations.

8-10     These policies will be implemented through the City of Bend Public Improvement Construction Procedure Standards & Specifications.

8-11    The City should look for reasonable opportunities to decommission energy- and maintenance-intensive lift stations as part of new development or other City infrastructure projects.

8-12    The City will consider the conservation and water reuse measures in the Water Management and Conservation Plan in infrastructure planning to reduce overall impacts to the sewer collection and treatment system.

8-13    The City may establish wastewater collection facilities such as sewer interceptor lines, outside of the Bend UGB, to better serve the land inside the UGB.

8-14    The City may allow lands outside the UGB to connect to sewer collection facilities located outside of the UGB in order to mitigate a public health hazard, and in a manner consistent with state administrative rules that implement a statewide planning goal concerning public facilities and services.

Water Facilities and Systems

8-15    The City of Bend is the provider of water service for the City’s service area under Statewide Planning Goal 11.

8-16    Avion Water Company is the provider of water service for its franchise area under Statewide Planning Goal 11 and pursuant to the franchise agreement between the City and Avion adopted under Ordinance NS 1514, as amended.

8-17    Roats Water Company is the provider of water service for its franchise area under Statewide Planning Goal 11 and pursuant to the franchise agreement between the City and Roats adopted under Ordinance NS 1747.

8-18    Within the urban planning area, public and private water systems shall be consistent with City Standards and Specifications for construction and service capabilities.

8-19    The City shall continue to coordinate with private providers and irrigation districts in matters of water concerns within the Urban Growth Boundary.

8-20    The City shall continue to implement a water conservation program that emphasizes education, enforcement, metering, and other methods to use water efficiently.

8-21    The City may allow water service outside the UGB at rural levels consistent with Goal 11.

Storm Drainage Facilities and Systems

8-22    The City of Bend is the stormwater utility for the city limits and urban growth boundary. As the utility, the City shall review its Stormwater Master Plan and Integrated Stormwater Management Plan as needed for compliance with changes in state or federal requirements and at least every five years.

8-23    The City will initiate funding options (e.g., SDCs, grants, low-income loans) for stormwater capital projects in accordance with applicable laws.

8-24    Due to the lack of a defined drainage pattern for most of the urban area, development shall, to the extent practicable, contain and treat storm drainage on-site. In instances where containing storm drainage on-site would not be safe or practicable, the developer shall enter into a formal and recorded arrangement with the City or a private party to adequately address the storm drainage off site such as a regional control.

8-25    The use of stormwater disposal systems shall be coordinated with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Water Resources Department to protect ground water and surface water.

8-26    The City shall work to minimize the discharge of untreated stormwater run-off from streets directly into the Deschutes River and Tumalo Creek.

8-27    All public and private stormwater facilities shall be designed and operated in accordance with the City’s Stormwater Master Plan and shall meet appropriate drainage quantity and quality requirements, including, but not limited to, the requirements of the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 Stormwater Permit, Integrated Stormwater Management Plan, WPCF UIC Permit and any applicable Total Maximum Daily Load requirements (TDML) requirements. Underground injection and surface discharges to the Deschutes River or Tumalo Creek shall only be approved when other alternatives, such as retention basins or bioinfiltration swales, are not reasonably available. Low impact site designs shall be a required part of all new development and redevelopment projects.

8-28    The ability to provide stormwater facilities for developments proposed for annexation into the City shall be a consideration for annexation approval.

8-29    The City shall reduce the quantity of runoff and discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable by integrating stormwater runoff controls into new development and redevelopment land use decisions. Controls may be required to minimize illicit discharges or pollutants of concern.

8-30    The City shall implement and enforce requirements for an erosion and sediment control program for public and private construction and post-construction activities.

8-31    All developments shall evaluate the potential of a land parcel to detain excess stormwater runoff and require incorporation of appropriate controls, for example through the use of detention facilities to address quantity, flow, and quality concerns.

8-32    The City shall seek efficiencies and consistency by working with other municipalities and stakeholders within Central Oregon on land use issues to address flood control, watershed health and stormwater pollution prevention.

8-33    Hazard and resource areas with the following characteristics shall be considered unsuitable for urban development:

o    flood zones;

o    water supply watersheds; and

o    riparian corridors and natural drainageways.

8-34    Development on slopes in excess of 10 percent shall require special consideration to prevent construction-related and post-construction erosion.

8-35    The City shall regulate development near water courses to reduce erosion and pollution and to provide open, natural areas.

8-36    Land uses that pose a major threat to water quality, including commercial and industrial uses such as automobile dismantlers, waste transfer disposal facilities, light industries, and other uses that have a significant potential for pollution, shall not be located within the vicinity of stream, percolation facilities, reservoirs, drill holes or where pollutants could easily come in contact with flood waters, high groundwater, flowing rivers, or reservoirs. Such uses shall be required to reduce any threat of pollution to an insignificant level as a condition of approval.

8-37    As part of site approval, or as a condition on tentative maps, as necessary, the City shall require permanent stormwater pollution control site design or treatment measures or systems and an ongoing method of maintenance over the life of the project.

8-38    The City shall minimize particulate matter pollution through controls over new and redevelopment (including erosion and sediment controls on grading, quarrying, vegetation removal, construction, and demolition), industrial processes, parking lots and other activities that pose a threat to water quality.

8-39    The City shall require the following stormwater protection measures for all new development and redevelopment proposals during the planning, project review, and permitting processes:

•    Submit geotechnical site assessments when dry wells or other infiltration or injection systems are proposed.

•    Avoid conversion of areas particularly susceptible to erosion and sediment loss (e.g., steep slopes) or establish development guidance that identifies these areas and protects them from erosion and sediment loss.

•    Retain natural drainage channels in their natural state to prevent undue erosion of banks or beds, and preserve or restore areas that provide water quality or quantity benefits and/or are necessary to maintain riparian and aquatic biota.

•    Promote site development that limits impacts on, and protects the natural integrity of topography, drainage systems, and water bodies.

•    Promote integration of stormwater quality protection into construction and post-construction activities at all development and redevelopment sites.

8-40    The City shall work to reduce transportation-related sources of water pollution, particularly in stormwater pollution. Any means and actions that result in a reduction in vehicle-miles-traveled would benefit congestion and reduce both air and water pollution.

8-41    The City shall recognize and publicize the relationship between air pollution and water pollution in the deposition of airborne contaminants, including metals and fine particulate matter onto streets and other surfaces.

8-42    To minimize illicit discharge to stormwater and groundwater from septic systems, the City shall require lots with onsite sewage disposal to connect to the city sanitary sewer whenever state rules governing connection are met.

Solid Waste Disposal

8-43    The city and county shall encourage recycling beyond the level required by state law as an alternative to landfill disposal.

8-44    The county shall reduce dust and blowing refuse at the landfills in order to ensure as few adverse impacts as possible from these facilities.

8-45    The city shall explore methods, including mandatory garbage service, to gain 100 percent disposal of waste at designated landfill sites and discourage the dumping of wastes on public and private lands.

8-46    The City shall coordinate with Deschutes County on the creation of a new solid waste management plan.

Public Buildings and Facilities

8-47    Public buildings and facilities shall be located so as to provide convenient public use and to provide maximum service for the greatest economy. Governmental offices should locate downtown when practicable. Other governmental facilities, reservoirs, landfills and correctional facilities should be located in areas with good public access to principal streets.

8-48    The County Public Works facility shall be planned and zoned with a Public Facilities designation. The uses allowed at the site from among those uses listed in a Public Facility zone shall be limited to public works and transportation facilities and yards and public service uses in existing facilities as such facilities may be expanded and accessory uses thereto. Commercial or manufacturing uses shall not be allowed at this site.

General Policies

8-49    The City may consider funding mechanisms and agreements to address on-site and off-site improvements, modernization of existing infrastructure to City’s standards and specifications, and impacts to infrastructure inside the current City limits.