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General Policy Guidance

1-1    The Goals stated within this Comprehensive Plan are intended to be guiding and aspirational; they are not regulatory policies. The Policies in the Comprehensive Plan are intended to provide standards for the City in adopting land use regulations, and compliance with the implementing regulations shall be deemed in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan.

1-2    Comprehensive Plan designations may be rearranged on a development site through the Type III Master Plan process in a way that will best meet individual development priorities while maintaining the same overall acreage of each designation and compliance with the Comprehensive Plan policies

Urban Planning Coordination

1-3     Growth in the Bend Area shall be managed through the cooperative efforts of the City of Bend and Deschutes County.

1-4     The City and special districts shall work toward the most efficient and economical method for providing their services within the UGB.

1-5     No new water or sewer service districts shall be created within the UGB without the concurrence of the city.

Development within the Urban Growth Boundary

1-6     New developments shall pay to extend planned sewer, water, and transportation facilities to and through the property if the development occurs prior to the scheduled construction of those facilities shown in the capital improvement plan.

1-7     The City will encourage compact development and the integration of land uses within the Urban Growth Boundary to reduce trips, vehicle miles traveled, and facilitate non-automobile travel.

1-8     The City and county will encourage infill and redevelopment of appropriate areas within Bend Central Core, opportunity Areas and transit corridors (see Figure 11-1).

Refinement Plans (see definition in Glossary and related policies in Chapter 5)

1-9     The City may prepare land use refinement plans for neighborhoods or other discrete geographic areas.

1-10     The area to be included in a refinement plan study shall be approved by the City Council, and the boundary of a study area shall be shown on the zoning map until the study is complete.

1-11     A refinement plan, including detailed maps, policies, and text, when adopted by the city, shall become part of the Zoning Ordinance.

1-12     Refinement plans shall, at a minimum, provide plans for the development of sanitary sewer, water, and transportation systems and criteria by which to evaluate proposed amendments to an adopted refinement plan.

1-13     Refinement plans may evaluate the need for, and designate the location of, schools and park facilities, public and private open space, future neighborhood commercial or convenience commercial uses, residential, and mixed use areas.

1-14     Refinement plans may include site and building design regulations and alternative street standards.

Citizen Involvement

1-15     The City shall continue to use advisory committees in their planning process, members of which are selected by an open process, and who are widely representative of the community.

1-16     The City will use other mechanisms, such as, but not limited to, meetings with neighborhood groups, planning commission hearings, design workshops, and public forums, to provide an opportunity for all the citizens of the area to participate in the planning process.