Contents of Bend Code
Title 1
Government and Procedures
- 1.05 General Provisions
- 1.10 City Council Revised
Advisory Boards, Committees and Commissions
- 1.20.005 Applicability and Authority.
- 1.20.010 Board, Committee, and Commission Appointments and Service.
- 1.20.015 Organization and Operation.
- 1.20.020 Budget Committees.
- 1.20.025 Civil Service Commission – Civil Service System for Fire Personnel.
- 1.20.030 Planning Commission.
- 1.20.035 Urban Renewal Agency.
- 1.20.040 Repealed.
- 1.20.050 Bend Economic Development Advisory Board.
- 1.20.060 Arts, Beautification and Culture Commission.
- 1.20.070 Repealed.
- 1.20.080 Affordable Housing Committee.
- 1.20.090 Landmarks Commission.
- 1.20.100 Neighborhood Leadership Alliance – An Advisory Committee.
- 1.20.110 Environment and Climate Committee – An Advisory Committee.
- 1.20.120 Human Rights and Equity Commission.
- 1.20.130 Transportation Bond Oversight Committee.
- 1.25 Elections
- 1.30 City Manager and City Attorney
- 1.35 Municipal Court
Civil Infractions
- 1.40.005 Definitions.
- 1.40.010 Purpose.
- 1.40.015 No Mental State Required.
- 1.40.020 Civil Infraction Pre-citation Procedures.
- 1.40.025 Voluntary Compliance Agreement.
- 1.40.030 Citation Issuance and Form.
- 1.40.035 Service of Summons.
- 1.40.040 Filing of Citation.
- 1.40.045 Response, Answer and Appearance.
- 1.40.050 Hearing.
- 1.40.055 Evidence at Hearings.
- 1.40.060 Decision – Appeal.
- 1.40.065 Enforcement.
- 1.40.070 Lien Filing and Docketing.
- 1.40.075 Civil Penalty.
- 1.40.080 Schedule of Penalties.
- 1.40.085 Penalty Schedule.
- 1.45 Impounding Vehicles, Inventory
Real Property
- 1.50.010 Purpose and Application.
- 1.50.020 Classification.
- 1.50.030 Sale of Substandard Undeveloped Property.
- 1.50.040 Disposal of Standard Undeveloped Property and Developed Property.
- 1.50.050 Broker Selection.
- 1.50.060 Acquisition of Real Property.
- 1.50.070 Transfer of an Interest Other Than Fee Title.
- 1.50.080 Transfer to Another Governmental Entity.
- 1.50.090 Special-Case Property.
- 1.50.095 Exchange of Real Property.
- 1.50.097 Lease of Airport Property.
- 1.50.100 Procedures for Specific Types of Properties.
Public Contracts
- 1.55.005 Definitions. Revised
- 1.55.010 Local Contract Review Board and Delegation of Authority. Revised
- 1.55.020 Purpose and Policies. Revised
- 1.55.030 Competitive Procurement. Revised
- 1.55.040 Personal Service Contracts. Revised
- 1.55.050 Authority to Obligate the City. Revised
- 1.55.060 Purchasing from City Employees. Revised
- 1.55.070 Negotiation with Bidders. Revised
- 1.55.080 Model Contract Forms. Revised
- 1.55.090 Disposition of Surplus Personal Property. Revised
- 1.60 Emergencies
Claims Process for ORS 195.300 through 195.336
- 1.65.005 Definitions.
- 1.65.010 Claims Procedure.
- 1.65.015 Summary Rejection of Claim.
- 1.65.020 Completeness.
- 1.65.025 Claims Processing.
- 1.65.030 Approval Criteria.
- 1.65.035 Council Review and Decision.
- 1.65.040 Effect of Waiver.
- 1.65.045 Procedural Error.
- 1.65.050 Recordation of Waiver.
- 1.65.055 Judicial Review.
- 1.65.060 Ex Parte Contacts, Conflict of Interest and Bias.
Neighborhood Districts
- 1.70.005 Purpose. Revised
- 1.70.010 Definition. Revised
- 1.70.020 Existing Neighborhood Districts. Revised
- 1.70.030 Establishment and Recognition of New Neighborhood Districts and New Areas . Revised
- 1.70.040 Termination, Dissolution, and Boundary Changes. Revised
- 1.70.050 Neighborhood District Status and Requirements. Revised
- 1.70.060 Grants and Other Assistance. Revised
- 1.75 Percent for Art Program
Title 2
Public Improvements
Local Improvement Districts
- 2.10.005 Initiation of Local Improvement Districts.
- 2.10.010 Preliminary Engineer’s Report.
- 2.10.015 Payment for Preliminary Engineer’s Report.
- 2.10.020 Notice of Hearing on District Formation.
- 2.10.025 Hearing on District Formation.
- 2.10.026 Notice of District Formation.
- 2.10.030 Final Plan and Specifications.
- 2.10.035 Construction.
- 2.10.040 Costs Included in Assessment.
- 2.10.045 Method of Assessment.
- 2.10.050 Notice of Assessment.
- 2.10.055 Payment.
- 2.10.060 Lien and Foreclosure.
- 2.10.065 Errors in Assessment Calculations.
- 2.10.070 Abandonment of Proceedings.
- 2.10.075 Division of Assessments.
- 2.10.080 Curative Provisions.
- 2.10.085 Reassessment.
- 2.10.090 Review.
- 2.10.095 Interpretation and Coordination with State Law.
- 2.10.100 Sidewalk Public Improvements.
Reimbursement Districts
- 2.20.005 Definitions.
- 2.20.010 Application.
- 2.20.015 City Engineer’s Report.
- 2.20.020 Amount of Reimbursement.
- 2.20.025 Public Hearing.
- 2.20.030 Notice of Public Hearing.
- 2.20.035 City Council Action.
- 2.20.040 Notice of Adoption of Resolution.
- 2.20.045 Recordation.
- 2.20.050 Contesting the Reimbursement District.
- 2.20.055 Final Public Hearing.
- 2.20.060 Obligation to Pay Reimbursement Fee.
- 2.20.065 Annual Fee Adjustment.
- 2.20.070 Administration.
Economic Improvement Districts
- 2.30.010 Purpose.
- 2.30.020 Initiation of Economic Improvement District.
- 2.30.030 Public Hearings and Assessments.
- 2.30.050 City Lien Docket.
- 2.30.060 Imposition of Additional Business License Fee.
- 2.30.070 Advisory Committee.
- 2.30.080 Extension of Business Licensing Period.
- 2.30.090 Expenditure of Assessment and Business License Revenues.
Local Improvement Districts
Title 3
Rights-of-Way and City Property
- 3.05 Bend Municipal Airport
- 3.10 Public Works Standards
Regulation of Utility Use of City Rights-of-Way
- 3.20.010 Purpose. Revised
- 3.20.015 Jurisdiction and Management. Revised
- 3.20.020 Regulatory Fees and Compensation Not a Tax. Revised
- 3.20.025 Definitions. Revised
- 3.20.030 Other City Laws. Revised
- 3.20.035 Administration. Revised
- 3.20.040 Registration. Revised
- 3.20.045 ROW Licenses. Revised
- 3.20.050 Construction and Restoration. Revised
- 3.20.055 Location of Facilities. Revised
- 3.20.060 Leased Capacity. Revised
- 3.20.065 Maintenance. Revised
- 3.20.070 Vacation of Public Rights-of-Way. Revised
- 3.20.075 Rights-of-Way Use and Access Fees. Revised
- 3.20.080 Penalties and Interest on Fees. Revised
- 3.20.085 Audits (Formal or Informal) and Records Requests. Revised
- 3.20.090 Insurance and Indemnification. Revised
- 3.20.095 Compliance. Revised
- 3.20.100 Confidential/Proprietary Information. Revised
- 3.20.105 City Permission Required. Revised
- 3.20.110 Dispute Resolution; Violation and Penalties. Revised
- 3.20.115 Severability and Preemption. Revised
- 3.20.120 Application to Existing Agreements. Revised
- 3.30 Sidewalks
Right-of-Way Permits
- 3.40.005 Permit Requirement.
- 3.40.010 Applications.
- 3.40.015 Permitted Work.
- 3.40.020 Conduct of Work.
- 3.40.025 Inspection, Maintenance and Warranty Security.
- 3.40.030 Compliance.
- 3.40.035 Traffic Control Barricades.
- 3.40.040 Utilities.
- 3.40.045 Emergencies.
- 3.40.050 Coordination of Construction.
- 3.40.060 As-Built Drawings.
- 3.40.070 Restoration of Rights-of-Way and City Property.
- 3.40.080 Right-of-Way Preservation and Restoration Policy.
- 3.40.090 Regulations.
- 3.40.100 Enforcement.
- 3.50 Revocable Right-of-Way and City Property Permits
Trees on City Property and Public Rights-of-Way
- 3.60.010 Purpose.
- 3.60.020 Definitions.
- 3.60.030 Applicability and Jurisdiction.
- 3.60.040 Tree Permit.
- 3.60.050 Responsibility of Adjacent Property Owners.
- 3.60.060 Work Standards and Specifications.
- 3.60.070 Downtown Street Tree Replacement. Revised
- 3.60.075 City Action.
- 3.60.080 Prohibited Activities.
- 3.60.090 Penalties and Process.
City Cemetery
- 3.70.010 Pilot Butte Cemetery.
- 3.70.015 Use of Cemetery.
- 3.70.020 Rules and Regulations.
- 3.70.025 Fees.
- 3.70.030 Records.
- 3.70.035 Conveyance of Cemetery Lots.
- 3.70.040 Sale of Cemetery Spaces.
- 3.70.045 Use of Burial Spaces.
- 3.70.050 Burial and Disinterment Permits.
- 3.70.060 Permanent Maintenance Fund.
- 3.70.065 Monument and Marker Permits.
- 3.80 Right-of-Way Vacation
- 3.90 Street Names and Address Numbers
- 3.100 Liability Limited for the City of Bend and Other Parties from Private Claims Resulting from Use of Trails in a Public Easement or Unimproved Right-of-Way Under ORS 105.668
Transportation Fee
- 3.110.010 Purpose. Revised
- 3.110.020 Definitions. Revised
- 3.110.030 Applicability and Classification of Charges. Revised
- 3.110.040 Segregation of Revenue and Use of Funds. Revised
- 3.110.050 Rate Structure. Revised
- 3.110.060 Unit Rate Established. Revised
- 3.110.070 Charge Adjustments and Appeals. Revised
- 3.110.080 Payment Due Date and Enforcement. Revised
- Title 4 City Responses to Houselessness
Title 5
Public Protection
- 5.10 Airport
- 5.15 Alcoholic Liquor
- 5.20.000 Definitions.
- 5.20.005 Exemption for Law Enforcement Animals.
- 5.20.010 Owner/Keeper Responsibility for Animal.
- 5.20.015 Animal Waste.
- 5.20.020 Dog Licensing.
- 5.20.025 Animal at Large.
- 5.20.030 Off-Leash Areas.
- 5.20.035 Dangerous Animals.
- 5.20.040 Animal Nuisances.
- 5.20.045 Impound.
- 5.20.050 Unclaimed Animals.
- 5.20.055 Warrant for Seizure of Animals.
- 5.20.060 Rabid Animals.
- 5.20.065 Procedures and Penalties.
- 5.20.070 Destruction of Animals/Termination of Owner Rights.
- 5.20.075 Undertaking on Appeal.
- 5.25 Equal Rights
- 5.30 Fire Regulations
- 5.35 General Infractions
Major Infractions
- 5.40.005 Acquisition and Retention of Articles Missing Serial Numbers.
- 5.40.010 Civil Exclusion Zones.
- 5.40.015 Civil Exclusion.
- 5.40.020 Exclusion Enforcement.
- 5.40.025 Issuance of Exclusion Notices.
- 5.40.030 Procedure for Exclusion.
- 5.40.035 Appeal and Variance.
- 5.40.040 Discharge of Weapons.
- 5.40.045 Interfering with a Police Dog.
- 5.40.050 Misrepresentation of City of Bend Affiliation.
- 5.40.085 Trespass to Vehicle.
- 5.45 Chronic Nuisance Property
- 5.50 Noise
- 5.55 Parks
- 5.60 Additional Tenant Protections
- 5.65 Repealed
- 5.70 Recodified
Title 6
Vehicles, Traffic, and Parking
- 6.05 General Provisions
- 6.10 Administration
- 6.15 Traffic Regulations
Parking Regulations
- 6.20.000 Method of Parking.
- 6.20.005 Prohibited Parking, Stopping or Standing on Public Right-of-Way.
- 6.20.010 Unlawful Parking of Vehicle for Sale at Private Parking Facility.
- 6.20.015 Use of Loading Zone.
- 6.20.020 Unattended Vehicles.
- 6.20.025 Parking Districts.
- 6.20.030 Temporary Parking Restriction Areas.
- 6.20.035 Parking Benefit District.
Parking Citation and Owner Responsibility
- 6.25.000 Illegally Parked Vehicle.
- 6.25.005 Failure to Comply with Parking Citation.
- 6.25.010 Owner/Lessee Responsibility.
- 6.25.015 Registered Owner Presumption.
- 6.25.020 Extending Parking Time.
- 6.25.025 Illegal Issuance of a Parking Citation.
- 6.25.030 Illegal Cancellation of Parking Citation.
- 6.25.035 Improper Parking Citation Validation.
- 6.25.040 Fraudulent Use of a Parking Permit.
- 6.25.045 Habitual Parking Offender.
- 6.30 Enforcement
- 6.35 Bicycles
- 6.40 Skateboards and Roller-Skates
Title 7
- 7.05 Business Registration
- 7.08 Alarms
Regulatory Permits and Licenses
- 7.10.010 Regulatory Permit Procedure – Applicability.
- 7.10.015 Permit and License Duration.
- 7.10.020 Permit and License Renewal.
- 7.10.025 Application Requirements.
- 7.10.030 Information from Applicant.
- 7.10.035 Criteria for Grant or Denial.
- 7.10.040 Issuance or Denial by the City.
- 7.10.045 Suspension of Permit or License.
- 7.10.050 Revocation of Permit or License.
- 7.10.055 Appeal.
- 7.10.060 Posting of Permit and License.
- 7.10.065 Transfer or Assignment of Permit and License.
- 7.10.070 Prorating of Permit and License Fee.
- 7.10.075 Penalty.
- 7.15 Private Security
Short-Term Rental Operating License
- 7.16.005 Applicability.
- 7.16.010 Purpose.
- 7.16.020 Definitions.
- 7.16.030 Annual Short-Term Rental Operating License Required.
- 7.16.040 Application and Fee.
- 7.16.050 Term of Annual License and Transferability.
- 7.16.060 Operating License and License Renewal.
- 7.16.070 Criteria for Approval of an Operating License and Operating License Renewal.
- 7.16.080 Additional Operational Requirements.
- 7.16.090 Revocation Procedure.
- 7.16.100 Violations – Penalties.
- 7.16.110 Appeals of Short-Term Rental Operating License Determinations.
- 7.16.120 Discontinuance of Short-Term Rental Occupancy.
- 7.16.130 Remedies Not Exclusive.
- 7.20 Sidewalk Vendors, Sidewalk Cafes, Commercial Parklets and Furnishings
- 7.25 Secondhand Dealers and Pawn Brokers
- 7.30 Social Gaming
- 7.35 Vehicles for Hire
Special Events
- 7.40.005 Definitions.
- 7.40.010 Special Event Permit Required.
- 7.40.015 Exceptions to Special Event Permit Requirement.
- 7.40.020 Special Event Permit Application, Fees and Costs.
- 7.40.025 Sanitary Facilities at Special Events.
- 7.40.030 Fire Protection Standards.
- 7.40.035 Accessibility.
- 7.40.040 Public Safety.
- 7.40.045 Parking Facilities.
- 7.40.055 Facility Inspection at Special Events.
- 7.40.060 Animals at Special Events.
- 7.40.065 Beer Gardens.
- 7.40.070 Street Closure.
- 7.40.075 Special Event Permit Approval, Suspension and Revocation.
- 7.40.080 Permit Denial.
- 7.40.085 Appeal and Complaint.
- 7.40.090 Permit Information.
- 7.40.095 Inspection of Special Events.
- 7.40.100 Special Event Crowd Limitation.
- 7.40.105 Interference with a Special Event.
- 7.40.110 Special Event Banners, Displays and Information.
- 7.40.120 Events on District Property.
Mobile Home Park Closures
- 7.45.005 Purpose and Intent.
- 7.45.010 Definitions.
- 7.45.015 Manufactured Home Park Closure Permit.
- 7.45.020 Closure Impact Report.
- 7.45.025 Payment Plan.
- 7.45.030 Required Notifications.
- 7.45.035 Required Findings.
- 7.45.040 Conditions of Approval.
- 7.45.045 Enforcement.
- 7.45.050 Affordable Housing Density Bonus.
Marijuana Business Operating License
- 7.50.005 Applicability.
- 7.50.010 Purpose.
- 7.50.015 Definitions.
- 7.50.020 Administration.
- 7.50.025 License required.
- 7.50.030 Term, transferability, change or modification.
- 7.50.035 License fees.
- 7.50.040 Marijuana business operating license application.
- 7.50.045 Standards of operation.
- 7.50.050 Operating license approval or denial.
- 7.50.055 Operating license surrender.
- 7.50.060 Operating license suspension/revocation.
- 7.50.065 Appeal.
- 7.60 Shared Micromobility Businesses
- 7.70 Restriction on the Sale of Animals
Title 8
Fire Prevention Code
Adoption of Fire Code
- 8.10.010 Adoption of the Oregon Fire Code. Revised
- 8.10.015 Regulations and Fees. Revised
- 8.10.020 Fire Prevention Division. Revised
- 8.10.030 Limits and Exceptions on Storage of Regulated Materials. Revised
- 8.10.040 Reinspection of Unsafe Conditions. Revised
- 8.10.050 Appeals. Revised
- 8.10.060 Construction – Severability. Revised
- 8.10.070 Enforcement. Revised
Adoption of Fire Code
Title 9
Building Codes
- 9.10.010 Authority of Building Official.
- 9.10.015 Additional Local Authority.
- 9.10.020 Stop Work Orders.
- 9.10.025 Occupancy Violations.
- 9.10.030 Validity of Permit.
- 9.10.040 Suspension/Revocation.
- 9.10.050 Permit Expiration, Extension and Reinstatement.
- 9.10.060 Fees.
- 9.10.070 Violation and Penalty.
- 9.20 Moving Buildings
- 9.30 Wildfire Hazard Zone
- 9.40 Affordable Housing Fee
- 9.45 Commercial and Industrial Construction Tax
- 9.50.010 Purpose and Applicability.
- 9.50.020 Pre-Application Conference.
- 9.50.030 Definitions.
- 9.50.040 Permit Requirements and Sign Districts. Revised
- 9.50.050 Signs Exempt from Permit Requirements.
- 9.50.060 Temporary Signs.
- 9.50.070 Prohibited Signs.
- 9.50.080 Sign District Regulations.
- 9.50.090 Standards for Permanent Signs.
- 9.50.095 Mural Sign Regulations.
- 9.50.100 General Requirements.
- 9.50.110 Procedures.
- 9.50.120 Amendments.
- 9.50.130 Formal Interpretation.
- 9.50.140 Variance.
- 9.50.150 Adjustment to Standards.
- 9.50.160 Appeals.
- 9.50.170 Master Sign Plan.
- 9.50.180 Historic Landmarks.
- 9.50.190 Nonconforming Sign.
- 9.50.200 Enforcement.
- 9.50.210 Severability.
Building Codes
Title 10
Development Code
- 10.10 Bend Development Code
Historic Preservation Code
- 10.20.010 Purpose. Revised
- 10.20.020 Applicability.
- 10.20.030 Procedures.
- 10.20.040 Definitions. Revised
- 10.20.050 Criteria of Approval.
- 10.20.060 Designation of Historic Resources. Revised
- 10.20.070 Removal of Historic Resource Designation.
- 10.20.080 Demolition or Moving of Historic Structures. Revised
- 10.20.090 Signs/Plaques.
- 10.20.100 Capital Improvement Projects.
- 10.20.110 Appeals.
- 10.20.120 Penalties.
- 10.20.130 Design Review Criteria.
- 10.20.140 Supplemental Information.
Title 11
Solid Waste Management
- 11.16.020 Purposes, Policy and Scope.
- 11.16.030 Definitions.
- 11.16.040 Persons and Practices Exempt from Franchise.
- 11.16.050 Practices Prohibited without a Franchise.
- 11.16.060 Grant of Exclusive Franchise, Franchise Territories.
- 11.16.070 Franchise Term.
- 11.16.080 Franchisee Responsibility.
- 11.16.090 Suspension, Modification or Revocation of Franchise.
- 11.16.100 Termination/Failure to Provide Service.
- 11.16.110 Rate Determination.
- 11.16.120 Public Responsibility.
- 11.16.130 Penalties.
- 11.16.140 Complaints.
- 11.16.150 Franchise Fee.
- Exhibits.
Solid Waste Management
Title 12
Revenue and Taxation
Room Tax
- 12.05.010 Definitions.
- 12.05.015 Room Tax Imposed.
- 12.05.020 Collection of Room Tax by Operator.
- 12.05.025 Exemptions.
- 12.05.030 Registration of Operator – Form and Contents – Execution – Certification of Authority.
- 12.05.035 Remittance and Returns.
- 12.05.040 Penalties and Interest.
- 12.05.045 Deficiency Determinations – Fraud, Evasion, Operator Delay.
- 12.05.050 Redeterminations.
- 12.05.055 Security for Collection of Tax.
- 12.05.060 Collection.
- 12.05.065 Lien.
- 12.05.070 Refunds.
- 12.05.075 Authority of Tax Administrator.
- 12.05.080 Administration.
- 12.05.085 Appeals to City Council.
- 12.05.090 Penalty.
System Development Charges
- 12.10.010 Purpose. Revised
- 12.10.020 Scope and Interpretation. Revised
- 12.10.030 Definitions. Revised
- 12.10.040 System Development Charges Imposed – Method for Establishment. Revised
- 12.10.050 Methodology. Revised
- 12.10.060 Authorized Expenditures. Revised
- 12.10.070 Expenditure Restrictions. Revised
- 12.10.080 SDC Project List. Revised
- 12.10.090 Adoption or Amendment of Methodology. Revised
- 12.10.100 Collection of Charge. Revised
- 12.10.105 Payment Deferral. Revised
- 12.10.110 Installment Payments. Revised
- 12.10.120 Exemptions. Revised
- 12.10.130 Credits. Revised
- 12.10.140 Interested Persons List. Revised
- 12.10.150 Segregation and Use of Revenue. Revised
- 12.10.160 Refunds. Revised
- 12.10.170 Appeals. Revised
- 12.10.180 Prohibited Connection. Revised
- 12.10.190 Enforcement. Revised
- 12.15 Fees
- 12.20 Recreational Marijuana Sales Tax
- 12.25 Qualified Rental Housing Tax Exemption
- 12.30 Nonprofit Property Tax Exemption
- 12.35 Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption
Room Tax
Title 13
Nuisances Subject to Abatement
- 13.10 Nuisances
Derelict Structures
- 13.20.005 Derelict Structures.
- 13.20.010 Derelict Structures Prohibited.
- 13.20.015 Closing of Structures.
- 13.20.020 Prohibited Habitation.
- 13.20.025 Removal of Order.
- 13.20.030 Temporary Safeguards.
- 13.20.035 Derelict Structure Registration.
- 13.20.040 Derelict Structure Fees.
- 13.20.045 Waiver of Derelict Structure Fees.
- 13.20.050 Abatement by Demolition.
- 13.20.055 Failure to Follow Order to Demolish.
- 13.25 Discarded Vehicles
- 13.30 Vegetation
- 13.40 Graffiti
- 13.45 Nuisances
- 13.65 Procedure for Abatement
Title 14
- 14.10.010 Restrictions on Use.
- 14.10.020 Use of City Water Facilities.
- 14.10.030 Connections to City Water System.
- 14.10.040 Extraterritorial Connections.
- 14.10.050 Standards and Specifications.
- 14.10.060 Ownership and Responsibility.
- 14.10.070 Fees and Charges.
- 14.10.080 Meters.
- 14.10.090 Surface Water Withdrawals.
- 14.20 Use of Water
Cross Connection Control for Water Systems
- 14.30.010 Purpose.
- 14.30.020 Definitions.
- 14.30.030 Application.
- 14.30.040 Cross Connection Regulations.
- 14.30.050 Backflow Prevention Assembly Requirements.
- 14.30.060 New Construction.
- 14.30.070 Retrofitting.
- 14.30.080 Irrigation Systems.
- 14.30.090 Thermal Expansion.
- 14.30.100 Mobile Units.
- 14.30.110 Installation.
- 14.30.120 Pressure Loss.
- 14.30.130 Fire Systems.
- 14.30.140 Temporary Meters and Hydrant Valves.
- 14.30.150 Access to Property.
- 14.30.160 Annual Testing and Repairs.
- 14.30.170 Maintenance of Assemblies.
- 14.30.180 Backflow Assembly Testers.
- 14.30.190 Costs of Compliance.
- 14.30.200 Termination of Service.
- 14.40 Prohibition of the Addition of Fluoride Compounds to the City Water Supply
Title 15
General Sewer Regulations
- 15.10.005 Definitions.
- 15.10.010 Use of Public Sewer – Requirements for New Development and Septic to Sewer Conversion Program.
- 15.10.015 Private Sewage Disposal.
- 15.10.020 Building Sewer Connections and Responsibilities.
- 15.10.025 Use of Public Sewers.
- 15.10.030 Protection from Damage.
- 15.10.035 Inspection.
- 15.10.040 Penalties.
Wastewater Pretreatment
- 15.20.005 Purpose and Policy.
- 15.20.010 Administration.
- 15.20.015 Definitions.
- 15.20.020 Abbreviations.
- 15.20.025 Prohibited Discharges.
- 15.20.030 Federal Categorical Pretreatment Standards.
- 15.20.035 State Requirements.
- 15.20.040 Local Limits.
- 15.20.045 Right of Revision.
- 15.20.050 Special Agreement.
- 15.20.055 Dilution.
- 15.20.060 Pretreatment Facilities.
- 15.20.065 Compliance Deadline.
- 15.20.070 Additional Pretreatment Measures.
- 15.20.075 Slug Control Plan.
- 15.20.080 Septic Tank Wastes.
- 15.20.085 Permits.
Wastewater Discharge Permits
- 15.30.010 Existing SIU.
- 15.30.020 New Sources and New Users.
- 15.30.030 Application Contents.
- 15.30.040 Signatory and Certification Requirement.
- 15.30.050 Wastewater Discharge Authorizations.
- 15.30.060 Wastewater Discharge Permit Decisions.
- 15.30.070 Wastewater Discharge Permit Contents.
- 15.30.080 Appeals.
- 15.30.090 Duration.
- 15.30.100 Modification.
- 15.30.110 Transfer.
- 15.30.120 Revocation.
- 15.30.130 Reissuance.
Wastewater Reporting Requirements
- 15.40.010 Baseline Monitoring Reports.
- 15.40.020 Final Compliance Report.
- 15.40.030 Periodic Compliance Report.
- 15.40.040 Pretreatment Standards Compliance Schedules.
- 15.40.050 Notification of Significant Production Changes.
- 15.40.060 Hazardous Waste Notification.
- 15.40.070 Notice of Potential Problems.
- 15.40.080 Noncompliance Reporting.
- 15.40.090 Notification of Changed Discharge.
- 15.40.100 Reports from Unpermitted Users.
- 15.40.110 Record Keeping.
- 15.40.120 Annual Certification.
- 15.50 Sampling and Analytical Requirements
- 15.60 Wastewater Compliance Monitoring
- 15.70.010 Notice of Violation.
- 15.70.020 Consent Orders.
- 15.70.030 Show Cause Hearing.
- 15.70.040 Compliance Orders.
- 15.70.050 Cease and Desist Orders.
- 15.70.060 Emergency Suspensions.
- 15.70.070 Termination of Discharge Permit (Nonemergency).
- 15.70.080 Administrative Penalties.
- 15.70.090 Injunctive Relief.
- 15.70.100 Judicially Imposed Civil Penalties.
- 15.70.110 Criminal Prosecution.
- 15.70.120 Remedies Nonexclusive.
- 15.70.130 Performance Bonds.
- 15.70.140 Liability Insurance.
- 15.70.150 Water Supply Discontinuance.
- 15.70.160 Administrative Review of Permit.
- 15.70.170 Public Nuisances.
- 15.70.180 Informants.
- 15.70.190 Contractor Listing.
- 15.70.200 Affirmative Defense of Upset.
- 15.70.210 Affirmative Defense – Lack of Knowledge.
- 15.70.220 Affirmative Defense – Bypass.
- 15.80 Wastewater Fees
- 15.90 Sewer Extra Strength Charge
General Sewer Regulations
Title 16
Grading, Erosion Control, Stormwater, Illicit Discharge, Tree Protection, and Wells
- 16.05 General Provisions Revised
Grading Requirements and Permits
- 16.10.010 Applicability and Exemptions. Revised
- 16.10.020 Grading. Revised
- 16.10.030 Permit Fees. Revised
- 16.10.040 Issuance and Implementation of Permits. Revised
- 16.10.050 Inspections. Revised
- 16.10.060 Erosion and Sediment Control and Pollution Prevention Compliance. Revised
- 16.10.070 Clearing and Grading Performance Standards. Revised
- 16.10.075 Temporary Rock Crushing Outside of the SM Zone. Revised
- 16.10.080 Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) and Pollution Prevention Performance Standards. Revised
- 16.10.090 Blasting Performance Standards. Revised
- 16.10.100 Repealed. Revised
- 16.15 Stormwater Management Design Standards and Post-Construction Maintenance Controls
- 16.20 Illicit Discharge Controls
- 16.25 Well Drilling
Stormwater Drainage Utility
- 16.30.010 Purpose.
- 16.30.020 Provision of Service.
- 16.30.030 Charges for Stormwater Service.
- 16.30.040 Stormwater Charges – Billing.
- 16.30.050 Stormwater Charges – When Delinquent.
- 16.30.060 Appeal and Credits.
- 16.30.070 Tampering with System – Prohibited Discharges.
- 16.30.080 Meeting Regulatory Requirements.
- 16.30.090 Responsibility for Private Stormwater Facilities.
- 16.35 Erosion Control Requirements Revised
- 16.40 Tree Preservation and Removal Revised
- Title 17 Bend Urban Renewal Agency
- Title 18 Environment and Natural Resources
- Tables